Toilet Suite Dune TF White Soft Close Seat
Towel Rail Bracket 19mm Open
Toilet Suite Mirage Top Flush White
The Mirage toilet / toilets is a floor-mounted unit, featuring a closed-rim pan with close-couple cistern.
Dual top-flush toilet system allows the choice of a full flush or short flush for significant water savings
Closed-rim pan and close-couple cistern make cleaning easier
Cistern sits directly on the pan surface allowing the direct transfer of water
Specially designed slots in the rim allow for a more uniform, quieter flush
Wooden, standard seat with bottom-fit mechanism included, all under manufacturer€™s warranty
Ceramic is high-pressure cast, yielding a more uniform and consistent product
Cisterns are cast, glazed and fired together with their matching lid, ensuring a perfect fit
Manufactured for maximum hygiene - all pans are sump-washed in manufacturing so that all parts coming into contact with black water are glazed
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5 left at Victoria Falls